IATA - air

Welcome to IATA CBTA
What is IATA CBTA?
The International Air Transport Association's (IATA) – Competency-based Training and Assessment Centers program (CBTA Centers) is the global accreditation authority on recognizing organizations for compliance with the training provisions for dangerous goods under a competency-based training and assessment approach. CBTA now replaces ATS.
The goal of competency-based training and
assessment is to produce a competent workforce by providing focussed training including employer and employee feedback throughout the learning process.
For more information on CBTA please follow the link.
Why Choose DGC Training?
With over 30 years of experience Dangerous Goods Control Logistics Inc. provides professional, comprehensive, and current Dangerous Goods shipping support.​ Specializing in preparing Dangerous Goods declarations, consulting, regulatory compliant packaging, on-site inspections and labeling.
In 2019 we received our IATA accreditation and started DGC Training. In 2022 we became the first IATA CBTA Training Center in Canada.
Our training program will provide you with an immersive education to ensure your organization's shipments are packaged and prepared to be internationally compliant. Let us help you achieve your training goals!

Course Details
Training Offered
We offer instructor led in person training for the following Dangerous Goods categories:​
7.1 - (Formally1&2) Packers & Handlers
7.3 - (Formally 3& 6) Freight Forwarders & Cargo Acceptance
The IATA endorsed diplomas earned at the conclusion of these courses reflect high standards of training and have gained worldwide recognition and acceptance as a quality product by the world's airlines and industry associations.
According to section of the IATA Dangerous Goods Training Guidance document;
Dangerous goods initial and recurrent training are required by the regulations:
(a) Initial training must be provided prior to a person performing their functions related to the transport of cargo or managing passenger and baggage. Effectively and unless otherwise required by the national authorities, it refers to the first time a trainee receives dangerous goods instructions according to their function or a new function if gaps have been identified.
(b) Recurrent training must be provided within 24 months of previous training to ensure knowledge is current. However, if recurrent training is completed within the final 3 months of validity of previous training, the period of validity extends from the month on which the recurrent training was completed until 24 months from the expiry month of that previous training.
Please click here for a link to the IATA Dangerous Goods Training Guidance document please click here and scroll down to Training.
Course Content:
Scope and responsibility issues
Limitations and reliefs
Classification and identification of dangerous goods
Packaging requirements
Marking and labeling of the package
Requirements for documentation (DGD and AWB)
Acceptance check
Provisions for loading, NOTOC etc
DGC Training Handout with exercises
IATA DGR Ed. 65th (during course only)
Start Time
All programs begin at 9:00 am
2 x 15 minute washroom breaks
1 x 1 hr lunch break​
975 Midway Blvd., Unit 11
Mississauga, Ontario
L5T 2C6
Course Materials
You will be provided with a study aid including exercises that covers all aspects of the IATA air DG course which is yours to keep.
The current DG Regulations will be provided during the course for your use but you will want to purchase a copy for your office to keep up-to-date with yearly changes. Please visit click here to purchase directly from IATA.​
IATA works closely with local governments and ICAO in the development of regulations. This way, they ensure that the rules and guidelines on dangerous goods transport are effective and operational practical. The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) manual is the global reference for shipping dangerous goods by air and the only standard recognized by airlines.
Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate that has been registered and accepted by IATA. You will have the confidence to tackle your Dangerous Goods problems successfully and efficiently.
Cancellation policy
Refunds for Courses will only be issued under the following conditions:​
1 month in advance - full refund minus $50 administration fee
1-2 weeks in advance - 50% refund
Cancellations made less then 1 week in advance - no refund.
DGC Training has the right to reschedule the training if minimum attendance isn't met.